
  • Interests

    Besides sitting around and playing video games, I like getting out and doing stuff, doesn’t really matter what, I enjoy going to work, not really for the work aspects but the fact I get to work with my friends is the best!

    Music is a great thing to enjoy too, I’m not picky about music as long it’s just not bad (or country).

    Making art however, when I have the time is one of my favorite things to do, it could be the simplest random doodle, or some “extravagant” art piece on Adobe Illustrator.

  • wassup world!

    This site is the site dedicated to the work done by yours truly, Seneca Chase Stevens. I have ideas that I wish to make a really, it will take time, but we all gotta start somewhere! my somewhere is here. So please look around, indulge yourself into the mind of Seneca Chase Stevens, just don’t get lost.

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